Dynamics of micro and nano electromechanical systems: multi-field modelling and analysis

5 September — 7 September 2018, Porto, Portugal

Moving around

From the airport to hotel or colloquium venue

In the city
In the city, apart from taxis, it is possible to move around by subway and by bus:
Metro do Porto Metro System
STCP Bus System

To the colloquium

The colloquium will take place at FEUP, which is near subway stations Pólo Universitário and IPO on the yellow line (line D). The yellow line passes through the city centre. At station Trindade it is possible to change to other lines.

To use the metro, the passenger needs to acquire a travel ticket (called Andante ) and validate this ticket before entering the train; validate again before changing subway or bus line. Automatic selling machines with English menus are available in all subway stations. The Andante is re-usable and re-chargeable. To go from the airport to most of the hotels, charge Andante either with one journey Z4 or Z5 ; to go from most hotels to FEUP, charge Andante with Z2 .

There are 4 bus lines in the Faculty’s zone: 204, 300, 301 and 803. Andante can also be used in busses. From most reasonably central locations to FEUP, Z2 is adequate.